Nevada Adoption Attorney Fees
Payment Methods for Family Law Services
Since every surrogacy and adoption case is different, we offer two different payment plans to our family law clients. Our law firm works with you to come up with a payment plan that best suits your specific case and expectations. Below, we describe the two options that we offer for adoption attorney fees: flat fees and hourly fees.
In our consultation, we can discuss surrogacy and adoption costs, as well as the process for how to move forward. When you meet with us, we can find out which plan is best for your family based on the amount of time and resources your case might involve. Please call us at (775) 227-7221 if you have any questions.
- Flat Fee: For our non-contested, adoption cases, we determine a flat rate based on how much work your case will require. We can return some of the unused portion of the fees if we do not complete all of the work we agreed to do.
- Hourly Fee: We charge hourly rates for cases involving contested matters. The client is also responsible for costs that accrue throughout your representation. These costs might include expert witness fees, travel costs, depositions, copies and court fees. We prepare a memorandum that lists billable costs and terms of the hourly fee agreement.

AdoptionAdoption is a journey for all parties: birth parents, individuals who are adopting, family members and the children. Learn how we can help guide you through the journey.
SurrogacyTo ensure the legality of the surrogacy process and to protect you — from a surrogate changing her mind midway through the surrogacy, for example — it is in your best interest to hire a qualified surrogacy attorney.
FAQsAdoption is a complex legal process. There are laws, deadlines and several considerations that you need to be aware of, whether you are acting as an adoptive parent, birth parent or surrogate.
Local Resources & Support for Adoption in Reno
Living in Reno, you have access to a variety of local resources and support systems that can assist you throughout the adoption process. For instance, the Washoe County Human Services Agency is a valuable resource for families considering adoption, providing information and support to help you navigate the complexities of the process.
Clear Payment Options & Guidance
One common concern for families in Reno is understanding the legal requirements and costs associated with adoption. Our law firm is well-versed in Nevada adoption laws and can help you understand the specific regulations that apply in Washoe County. Whether you are dealing with a non-contested adoption or a more complex, contested case, we can provide clear, transparent guidance on all potential costs.
Reno's unique community dynamics also mean that local families may face specific challenges, such as understanding the regional nuances of the adoption process. We are familiar with these local pain points and can provide thorough answers to your questions and personalized guidance to provide you with the support you need every step of the way.
Our deep understanding of the Reno area and its resources allows us to offer personalized, effective legal support for your adoption journey. Whether you're trying to determine what resources your case may need or have questions about our hourly fees, contact us today to schedule a consultation to learn more.
How Much Does It Cost to Hire a Reno Adoption Lawyer?
We understand that most of our clients worry about the cost of hiring an attorney for their adoption case. For that reason, we are happy to discuss the anticipated fees and costs of your case with you. Make sure you follow all the relevant Nevada adoption laws by consulting with our Reno adoption lawyer. We will guide you through the entire process and explain all relevant costs from our first meeting. Call us now at (775) 227-7221.

Why Choose Eric A. Stovall, Ltd.?
Past President of the Academy of Adoption and Assisted Reproduction Attorneys (AAAA), the acknowledged experts in both surrogacy and adoption law.
Involved in over 250 surrogacies and adoptions in Nevada each year
Referred Nevada surrogacy and adoption cases by lawyers located across the state and nation.
Widely regarded for his work in these areas of law.