What is Termination of Parental Rights in Nevada?
Reno Adoption Attorney Explains How This Process Benefits a Child
In certain circumstances, it is possible to terminate a person’s rights and responsibilities as a parent. This process may allow the other parent to retain sole parental rights or can allow another party to adopt the child. In either case, terminating parental rights is a drastic step that is usually taken only when essential to protect the child’s best interests. Often, the court will consider terminating a parent’s rights if the parent has a history of drug or alcohol abuse, criminal activity or neglect. Consequently, the process is frequently emotional, especially when it involves relative adoption or the original parent contests the proceedings. However, if you wish to adopt a child, then the former parent must first relinquish his or her rights. In some cases, the only way to accomplish this is to ask the court to terminate that parent’s rights.
Terminating Nevada parental rights can be a complex process. Reno adoption lawyer Eric Stovall has over 20 years of experience with adoption and surrogacy law. He can assist with any aspect of adoption or family formation, including termination of parental rights, if necessary. Experienced legal help can guide you through this period with confidence. The child’s life is always the priority during difficult circumstances, and Eric Stovall offers clients his personalized knowledge and attention throughout this life-altering process.
What Are the Reasons for Terminating Parental Rights?
Every family is different, so there may be many circumstances that can lead to the termination of parental rights. You may be caring for a relative’s child and considering a stepparent, relative or grandparent adoption. Alternatively, you may be fostering a child you wish to adopt (in which case, your child’s state-appointed attorney may handle issues related to parental rights). In any circumstances, you should consider terminating parental rights if the parent:
- Uses illegal drugs
- Participates in criminal activity
- Expresses desire to exit the child’s life
- Commits physical or sexual abuse
- Leaves the child’s life for extended periods without reason
There may be other circumstances that warrant parental rights termination as well. For example, a birth parent may voluntarily give up his or her rights, relinquishing the child for adoption. However, parents may not voluntarily surrender their parental rights in Nevada to avoid child support.
What Does Terminating Parental Rights Accomplish?
When the court terminates a person’s parental rights, the consequences are:
- Dissolution of the parent-child relationship.
- The parent no longer has the right to visit or speak with the child.
- Responsibility for child support payments ends, if applicable.
- The parent may no longer raise the child.
- Another party may adopt the child without the parent’s permission.
If the parent contests the termination of his or her rights, then the case may go to trial. The court may appoint a guardian, agency or lawyer to investigate whether terminating parental rights is in the best interest of the child and to substantiate the reason for your petition. Since the revocation of a parent’s rights is a serious step, this process is thorough and may be time consuming. The stress may strain your family’s relationships, especially in cases involving relative adoption. Since so much depends on these proceedings, you should consult with a Nevada adoption lawyer to ensure everything goes smoothly and the child is protected.
Questions About Termination of Parental Rights? Find a Nevada Adoption Attorney Today
Eric A. Stovall has the skills and experience necessary to help you build your family. The decisions you make now – and the legal assistance you receive when carrying out these decisions – are the basis for a secure peace of mind and a happy, stable family. A lawyer can guide you through important family decisions, even a difficult decision concerning a parent’s rights.
If you believe it is in a child’s best interests to terminate a birth parent’s rights, then contact our law firm for a consultation.

Eric is a Reno adoption and surrogacy attorney dedicated to protecting Nevada families and helping them grow. If you are considering the adoption of a child, using a surrogate, or becoming a surrogate, contact us to learn how to get started.